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AEP Ohio

Technology & Telecommunications


Phone #:




1320 Sugar Grove Rd SE





We put into your hands the power to meet challenges today and to create possibilities in the future. We deliver power to warm homes, feed families, light schools, run offices and operate factories. Backed by a support team in Gahanna, Ohio, our army of engineers and lineworkers energize communities and local economies, while creating boundless opportunities for 1.5 million Ohioans.

Our history of reliable service dates back to 1906, when the Ohio Valley was the wild west and when the nation's power grid was in its infancy. We helped settle new communities by extending the electric grid westward, paving the way for industrial expansion, and along with it, creating jobs to sustain families. Today, our investments in economic development and innovations such as smart meters and smart grids reinforce our commitment to reliability. We're the largest operating company of American Electric Power, forming with six other utilities the country's largest network of transmission lines spanning 11-states.

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