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In downtown Logan, locals and tourists can enjoy a stroll and a drink Monday - Saturday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Beer, wine, & cocktails can be consumed inside DORA boundaries by purchasing drinks from participating DORA establishments. Consumers should expect to pay a $1 DORA fee and all DORA drinks must be consumed from approved DORA cups, distributed by participating DORA establishments. We want our community to enjoy DORA and contribute to the positive impact it will have in Logan. Find information and resources on this page about Logan's DORA.
A Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) is an exception to the
1. Look for the DORA decal
2. Pay $1 for a DORA cup from a participating establishment


What do I need to do before purchasing a DORA beverage?You must present a valid state or federal ID to a participating DORA vendor and be 21 years of age or older.
Where can I purchase alcoholic beverages within the DORA?You can purchase alcoholic beverages from a participating establishment or event vendor. Please note that no outside alcoholic beverages are allowed in the DORA.
How many beverages can I purchase at once in the DORA?You may purchase up to two beverages at a time, and they must be served in an approved DORA cup.
Can I consume alcoholic beverages in public areas within the DORA?Yes, you can consume alcoholic beverages in public areas within the DORA, but they must be in an approved DORA single-use cup.
Can I bring a DORA beverage into other businesses?You cannot carry a DORA beverage into any other business that sells DORA beverages. However, you may carry your beverage into non-alcohol serving businesses, but only if that business permits it. Look for the green “DORA Beverages Welcome” sign.
When can I consume DORA beverages?DORA beverages may only be consumed during the approved hours of operation, which are Monday through Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Can I walk anywhere with my DORA cup?NO. Patrons can only carry DORA beverages in the defined area in the approved container. Retail and private establishments may allow DORA beverages or may opt NOT to allow them. Each establishment within the DORA will have their own policy, watch for the red or green DORA sign to be displayed.
What is a DORA cup?A plastic single-use cup designated for all establishments serving alcohol within the DORA. The DORA rules will be provided on a label with each cup.
Can I take my DORA beverage into another establishment?You may NOT take your DORA beverage into another alcoholic establishment, but you may take it into a non-alcoholic establishment ONLY IF THE GREEN "DORA BEVERAGES WELCOME" SIGN IS DISPLAYED.
What are the hours the DORA will be allowed to operate?The DORA hours are Monday - Saturday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. DORA beverages may not be consumed outside these hours.
How will patrons know the DORA area limits?Signs at key egress and endpoints will be installed on the boundaries. More information can be found on the DORA page on the City website or the Hocking Hills Chamber of Commerce website/DORA map.
Can I pour my own alcohol in the DORA cup and carry it?No. Beverages MUST be purchased from participating vendors. No cans, glass bottles, or outside beverages of any kind are allowed in public areas within DORA boundaries. In addition, DORA beverages may not be taken outside of the DORA route or patrons may be subject to legal consequences.
Will the DORA area become littered, unruly, or noisy due to DORA?Many cities have established DORAs and have had positive experiences. The City of Logan has multiple trash cans in the DORA area and may require the event sponsor to provide additional receptacles to keep the area clean. The Logan Police Department will be visibly present and will be readily available should concerns arise. Special events may be required to provide additional police and public works staffing on an as needed basis.

1. Shamrock Irish Pub
2. Maya Burrito
3. 58 West
4. Hocking Hills Moonshine

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